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Simona America

Supervisory Board meetings

The Supervisory Board held four ordinary in-person meetings over the course of 2023. At two of these meetings, one member took part via video conference. Each member of the Supervisory Board attended all meetings of the 2023 financial year in person with the following exception: Supervisory Board member Martin Bücher was unable to attend the meeting on 21 April 2023 and was excused from participating. 

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee convened two meetings in 2023, one of which was held via video conference and one as an in-person meeting.

Personnel and Nomination Committee

The Personnel and Nomination Committee held three meetings in 2023, one of which was conducted via video conference and two as in-person meetings. 

Kirn, April 2024
The Supervisory Board

Dr. Klaus F. Erkes, Chairman

This document is published in German and as an English translation. Only the German original shall be deemed authoritative.